RBOC Advocating to Protect Commercial Fishing at March 24 Air Board Meeting

RBOC will be testifying in the March 24 meeting of the California Air Resources Board [CARB] in opposition to the proposed commercial harbor craft air emission regulations that would negatively impact commercial charter fishing and whale watching vessel owners, ports, and coastal communities.

RBOC and our national advocacy partner BoatU.S. are engaged with the coalition of national and state organizations representing sportfishing, boating, fishing tackle manufacturers, marine organizations, harbor authorities and retailers that are rushing to the defense of California sportfishing and whale watching boat owners.

For more on this issue, the advocacy engagement as well as the formal comments submitted by RBOC, BoatU.S. and others within a coalition effort: click here

Boaters planning to testify in Thursday’s meeting should register with CARB in advance: click here

The specific agenda item is:
• 22-5-1: Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation