State Water Board Approves Marina Del Rey Copper TMDL with Assurances

The State Water Resources Control Board today approved the proposed amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region with a revision to the total maximum daily load for toxic pollutants in Marina del Rey Harbor including copper.

As approved, the copper TMDL resolution includes several key assurances that:

  • The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board [LARWQCB] is committed to working with interested stakeholders and to reconsider the TMDL in response to studies in MDR Harbor and other pertinent information.

  • The LARWQCB will review progress on TMDL implementation at regular intervals.

  • The LARWQCB will consider revisions as appropriate or necessary to the load allocations, waste load allocations, and \ or compliance deadlines within 18 months of receipt of studies or other pertinent information.

  • The TMDL is not self-implementing. During the development of the subsequent regulatory action the LARWQCB will establish requirements specific and appropriate to each individual, entity, or group of individuals to achieve the pollutant allocations.

  • The assignment of pollutant allocations in a TMDL does not, in itself, impose any liability or other legal obligations on those named as responsible parties.

  • The LARWQCB will consider revisions to the existing dissolved copper water quality objective and corresponding TMDL numeric targets that are developed using the biotic ligand model [BLM] if it is approved by the US EPA for use in marine waters.

  • The LARWQCB is committed to coordinating with the State Lands Commission to address invasive species relative to anti-fouling strategies.

The amendment will next be considered by the state Office of Administrative Law [OAL] as well as the US EPA.

Several stakeholder groups testified at the hearing. Testifying on behalf of RBOC were Vice President Greg Gibeson, Director Walt Vance and Director of Government Affairs Jerry Desmond, Jr.