RBOC Urging USEPA to Complete Review of Biotic Ligand Model

RBOC is urging that the USEPA Office of Water complete its review of the Copper Marine Biotic Ligand Model [BLM] for metals in salt water.

This issue is important to boaters as it impacts decisions made by the state and regional water quality control boards that address copper including the copper-based anti-fouling paints used on boat hulls in salt water.

When adopted by USEPA, this water quality criteria document will be available for use in California and will allow for more accurate marine and estuarine water quality criteria to be developed to protect the environment and to create more scientifically defensible regulatory actions rather than the arbitrary one-size-fits all number that is currently used. 

This BLM uses the latest science to calculate water quality criteria for copper on the basis of water quality conditions at a specific water body/site. The water chemistry is measured at that site and put into the model to calculate protective water quality criteria for that specific site. This is widely recognized as a scientifically proven method.

Adoption of the action by the USEPA will help all parties involved establish protective and accurate water quality criteria.