Governor's Budget Proposes 250% Boat Registration Fee Increase - Make Your Voice Heard!

California boaters will see their boat registration fees increase from a minimum of $20 every two years to at least $70 every two years as soon as July 1 if Governor Gavin Newsom’s state budget proposal is enacted. Budget subcommittees in the state Senate and Assembly are discussing this proposal now, and are anticipated to decide on the issue in the next few weeks.

We urge you to contact your state Senator and Assembly Member and request this proposal be revised to ensure boater taxes go to their intended purposes.

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RBOC is engaged in this advocacy effort together with our national advocacy partner BoatUS.

Some background:

The Governor’s proposed state budget for the Division of Boating and Waterways [DBW] proposes adjustments to the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund [HWRF].  The HWRF receives no monies from the state’s General Fund. It is comprised of boat fuel tax dollars, registration fees, federal monies, and interest payments on loans from the fund.

The HWRF supports several programs and services that benefit boaters including infrastructure such as launch ramps, education, aquatic centers, local boating law enforcement, the boater certification card, and invasive species prevention and control.

The Governor’s current budget proposal includes a vessel registration fee increase from $20 every two years to $70 every two years effective July 1.

This proposed registration fee increase is being considered as the state increasingly dedicates boater fuel tax dollars for the state parks system. This started decades ago, and now totals $107 million each year. In contrast, only $15 million [14%] of the fuel taxes paid by boaters are placed in the HWRF for the programs and services that directly benefit boaters.